Simply Accessible Websites

Accessibility Consulting and Development

Woman with a prosthetic left arm sits at a computer and a young man stands next to her looking at the monitor as they both smile.

Does “website accessibility” make you nervous?

Take a deep breath, and clear your mind… let’s do this together.

We started Simply Accessible Websites to teach people that website accessibility is not scary, it’s simple.

Exceed your website accessibility goals

Calling all organizations, website owners and keepers, agencies or independent designers and developers, we’re here for you.

If you want to learn, we’ll teach you.

If you want to improve accessibility on your website, we’ll help you.

If you need to meet standards, we can get you there. 

Whatever your website accessibility goals may be, as your partners Simply Accessible Websites can take the reins or teach you to fish.

Not sure what your goals are? Let’s figure that out.

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Laws are changing

Your website, or the one/s you manage or create may or may not be subject to current accessibility laws, but the legal landscape is ever changing and guidelines will become more widespread and applicable in the future, not less… Even without specific legislature, lawsuits across the nation are happening that implicate website owners, and in some cases their developers.

It’s time to act.

Close up of man with eyes closed and head turned towards his right, holding a cell phone up with both hands near his left ear.

How we can help

Simply Accessible Websites will meet you wherever you are on your accessible website journey.

Beginning, middle, new beginning? There’s a solution for everyone at any stage of learning or implementation.

Accessible website design or remediation, and accessible design coaching are swiss-army knives that we yield with precision for each client. We have an extensive box of tools to accommodate all manner of other accessible design or marketing conversations that might come up

Let’s find your solution.

Get in touch

The many benefits of an accessible website

Accessible websites keep on giving.

They are inclusive, beautiful, simple, clear, easy to navigate, and a testament to the ethics of their owners and brands. They can improve search engine rankings and increase conversions resulting in more fans; they deter lawsuits and reduce risk — Why would anyone pass up on those benefits?

It’s impossible to be inclusive without being accessible. Think about that, think about your website, and give us a call!